Sunday, December 26, 2010

Explanation of Post Structure

Each week, by Saturday night, I will be posting the upcoming week's assignments.

Each assignment post will be laid out with the following structure.

Title: Assignment - Focus - Week # - Category of Experience

Objective - The guiding purpose of the experience.
Duration - The length of time the experience should last (the timeframe in which Patrick has to complete the assignment).
Assignment - The actual assignment.

Patrick is on the honor system to complete each assignment within the given duration, and has agreed to post about his experience within 48 hours. His posts are restricted to between 400-500 words.

Each response post will be laid out with the following structure.

Title: Experience - <Whatever title Patrick deems appropriate>

Effectiveness - Was the assignment effective for accomplishing the objective given.
Experience - Relate the experience, how it affected him, and anything else he wishes to convey. Note that any names will be changed to protect the innocent (or those not so innocent).

Each post will be appropriately tagged for ease in searching.

Explanation of the 7 Virtues and & 7 Sins

Excerpted from Wikipedia, 7 Virtues and 7 Sins:

This is just a brief list of each virtue and it's attributes, and the associated sin (assuming opposing attributes). Please refer to the Wikipedia links above for more information.

Each item is listed as (Virtue - attributes - Sin).

  • Chastity - purity, knowledge, honesty, wisdom - Lust
  • Temperance - self-control, justice, honor, abstention - Gluttony
  • Charity - will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice - Greed
  • Diligence - persistence, effort, ethics, rectitude - Sloth
  • Patience - peace, mercy, ahimsa, sufferance - Wrath
  • Kindness - satisfaction, loyalty, compassion, integrity - Envy
  • Humility - bravery, modesty, reverence, altruism - Pride

Explanation of the Categories of Experience

Excerpted from Wikipedia:

Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.

Each week for the upcoming year (2011), Patrick will be given some assignment in each of the following categories of experience.

  • Physical - Physical experience involves an observable change in the physical state of an object or environment.
  • Mental - Mental experience involves the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will, and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes.
  • Emotional - Emotional experience involves empathy and emotional intelligence as interpreted by an individual's state of mind as interacting with internal and external influences, including mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.
  • Spiritual - Spiritual experience involves an occurrence that is uncommon in the sense that it doesn't fir in with the norm of everyday activities and life experiences, and is subjectively interpreted by an individual's perception of the divine, or of some transcendant reality.
  • Social - Social experience involves the skills and habits necessary for an individual to participate within their own (or another's) society, and are acquired through a plurality of shared experiences forming norms, customs, values, traditions, social roles, symbols, and languages.
  • Vicarious - Vicarious experience involves an experience in an individual's imagination as related to the actions or feelings of another person.
  • Virtual - Virtual experience involves a simulation of experience in the real world, that is almost or nearly as described, but does not adhere to the strict definitions encountered in the real world.