Brad told me yesterday that he wouldn't be continuing on with this project if I didn't complete all my writings by Midnight, Saturday, January 30, 2011, as proof of my commitment to this project myself. I didn't, but I went over just barely. It remains to be seen whether he'll accept this or not. This is the last post I have yet to do...
However, I'm not going to do it just yet. Not because I don't want to continue on with this, but because this one is too important. It through me because I thought I'd said all there was to say on this subject, I thought it was hashed out. Apparently Brad feels differently, and I need to know why. I'll do the assignment, and I'll write about it, but only in that order.
Surely there has been someone you've had a crush on (however insignificant it might have been) that you could have just admitted this to, and gone from there?